Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank You, Apak

Peter Salam Juna
21.5.1933 - 19.4.2009

Thank you, Apak for being my father, daddy, buddy, friend, foe, partner, adviser etc. Thank you, Apak for being everything to me. You taught me how to cry, crawl, fall, walk, talk and everything else I need to be a good son. Thank you, Apak for the beautiful memories. Things may not be the same again but those memories will be with me forever.

May your soul REST IN PEACE. Amen

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sun Sets The Viewty

As usual, a fine day's evening at the Igan Ferry Point is always a viewtiful experience, ending the day with relaxing views of the sunset. It's a gift from the Almighty for those who LOVE PEACE.

Blue ...

Turned gold ...

And this biker lady has got a piece of it

Monday, April 6, 2009

Polling Day Will Say It All (Updated)

My interpretation of number 7 in my last posting as '007' maybe a too-movie-like mission for the new PM. But comes tomorrow, April 7 is for real. As I'm finding words and ideas for this posting, I'm sure our hard-working election campaigners in the three constituencies are busy finding the best space on the table for the last piece of the puzzle. Some work hard, some work smart, maybe some hardly work!

To work hard may be easily understood. It's about playing all the cards on the table. But to work smart, it's about playing the right card at the right time. And so are these by-elections' workers. We've seen them work hard but we can't be sure whether they've work smart . Personally, I believe that those who work smart will have a better chance of finding their way through. We'll see tomorrow.

As for now, the campaigners will have an 8-hour cooling down between 12.00 midnight tonight and 8.00 am tomorrow where the voters will take over. The talking has been done, hopefully convincing enough. By 8.00 am, it will be interpreted onto the ballot papers. While every candidate is confident of winning, only the ballot papers will have the final say.

Good luck. May the best man win.


Congratulation, Mr. Malcolm Mussen Lamoh (BN) on your victory...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today In Numbers - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 - The number 1 man, our PM Pak Lah steps down as planned

2 - His number 2, the DPM took over and was sworn in as the new PM

3 - It all happen on the 3rd day of the month

4 - What month? 4 a.k.a. April

5 - It's Friday, the 5th day of the week

6 - Yes, he's the 6th PM of Malaysia

7 - Anything about this number? Of course, can he be the 007 of Malaysia?

Politically, socially and economically - we really need one! God Bless Malaysia