Sunday, February 22, 2009

Being Fifty @ 50

Fifty or 50. What’s so special about being 50? The feeling is special. Indeed the number 50 is special. 50 is the passing mark for most examinations. 50% discount is everybody’s favorite in the shopping mall. 50-50 is probably the fairest deal we can offer. And so is being 50 years of age a.k.a. 50 years OLD. Some may have grandchildren to play with or at least children old enough to be treated as buddies.

The feeling of being 50 is great. It’s like being in the middle of somewhere. We have seen the first half and now it’s about looking forward to the next half. The first half was all about strategy, plans and dreams for the next half. So the next half will be looking forward for the reality of those strategy, plans and dreams.

If life begins at 40, reality begins at 50 which means there has been 10 years of actions. Success, achievements and progress will be seen thereon, maybe at different level to everyone. There will be no failure cos nobody will fail. Some hiccups along the way is just part of the process toward success. Success and achievement may come early to some but maybe a little bit late to others, so there will be no failure.

Looking back at the earlier days, I don’t have many photos to share. Actually I was photo-phobia before school days. I used to hide when I see people taking photos. And of course, camera was something very rare then.

Very serious and camera-phobia look!! Somewhere in the early 1960s

1972 - Now this guy is posing for the camera.

Taken in Kuching before leaving for Semanjung for my secondary education

under the sponsorship of Sarawak Foundation.

1977 - Taken in Perak for the school magazine, Krisakti of SMK Hamid Khan, Tapah.

Life is like driving. We need to look back before moving forward and to know where we are heading to. Looking back at the past will put back all the determination to move further.

For me that's 50 years of experiences and lessons needed to keep me going.


  1. Happy Birthday...... :) same date as my daughter.

  2. TQ ...:)Happy Birthday to her, God Bless & good health always...

  3. Wishing you all the best on your special day.
    Happy birthday sir.. May God Bless u.

  4. DO,

    Hepi belated bday ...agei dagen bln duah da... sempat agei wish bah..:p
